COPYRIGHT NOTICE AMIC PD TERM is Copyrighted 1987 by AMIC Development. All rights are reserved. The original archive of AMIC PD TERM BETA .58E may be obtained directly from AMIC2000 BBS, or from other bbs's where it is posted The ORIGINAL archive may be distributed by any of the following methods: 1) Computer Bulletin Boards (BBS), as long as no charge is made for the priviledge of downloading the file(s) containing the executable, this documentation, or any of the files listed in the READ.ME file enclosed in the ORIGINAL archive. 2) Through any Commercial or non-commercial computer network as long as it does not claim ANY SORT of copyright over it. 3) Via disk-based (or other magnetic media) PD libraries, like Fish, Phase 4, AMICUS and the yet-to-be released AMIC-2000 Disk base library AMIC-DiskLib(sm), as long as distribution costs are limited to media and handling costs (including ship- ping), AND no subscription charge is imposed to the user for rights to receive such disks. Special permission has been granted to publish AMIC PD TERM .58E in AMnews disk magazine, by prior arrangement with the author. Some text files have been added or changed to include the FINAL LIST(tm) AMIC.Phone directory set and provide brief documentation in the use of this program. These files a re part of the ORIGINAL archive, and are NOT intended for distribution. I STRON- GLY recommend all AMnews readers REGISTER with the author for future releases of this program. The documentation provided with the registered-users' version is a COMPLETE telecommunications manual! ANY other methods of distribution must be requested in writing from AMIC Development, and may be subject to special arrangement and distribution conditions. You may write to: AMIC Development Att: David Salas 3426 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95401 or call at: (707) 579-1320 (Voice) via Modem: (707) 579-0523 to our 8 (soon 16) line AMIC-2000 BBS TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you have questions about, or problems with AMIC PD TERM, you can write or call: AMIC Development Corp. 3426 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 579-1320 If the problem is of a BUG nature, which usually means you got a system GURU (that red box with some numbers and letters in it!), or a system lock up (mouse not moving, or keyboard not responding, or things like this (and you sure it was because AMIC PD TERM!), PLEASE MAIL or UPLOAD (more in a bit) us a BUG report. We have enclosed a bug report form to make this task easier on you. Please complete as much as possible in the report, it will make the task of reproducing and correcting the bug (for your own benefit) MUCH easier and faster. You can mail the report to the above address, or UPLOAD it in electronic form (in ASCII or ARC form, if you don't mind), to any of the following systems: AMIC-200 BBS - Our own BBS system, the largest in the country! (707)-579-0523 (8 lines available NOW!) 300/1200/2400 Baud Over 2500 Amiga PD files! More than 100 Megs! 320 Megabytes of online storage! GENIE (General Electric Network for Information Exchange) Call 1-800-638-9636 for more information about joining GEnie) GEMail: AMIC-DAVE You can also upload it in ASCII form to GEnie's Amiga RT Bul- letin Board. I have a specific topic for this matter there, under the COMMUNICATIONS category ============================================================== AMIC PD-TERM v.58 **** OWNERSHIP REGISTRATION INFORMATION **** -------------------------------------------------------------- NOVEMBER 1, 1987 1) In order to register as an owner of AMIC PD-TERM v.58 and receive a fully validated working disk and documentation. Please follow these instructions: VALID ONLY: November 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987 a) Mail US $30.00 check or money order, SASE and a disk; or b) Mail US $35.00 and a SASE only to: AMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 3426 MENDOCINO AVENUE SANTA ROSA, CA. 95401 TELEPHONES: 707-579-1320 (VOICE) 707-579-0523 (MODEM) AMIC-2000 PLEASE NOTE::: We are presently working on making our product commercial through standard marketing avenues which is why after December 31, 1987 we will no longer be able to allow ownership registration at these very affordable prices. Thank you! SHAREWARE CONCEPT NOTES AMIC PD TERM is placed under the SHAREWARE concept, which in a very straight way means, "You only pay if you use/like it". For this program it means, if you like the way this program is coming along, and you understand that it is STILL under development, and that you are going to be testing it out while we finish it, you SHOULD become a registered user of this software. So, now that you know that this program is FREE if you DO NOT like it, and CHEAP if you do, please proceed with these docs! I really don't like to write in legal terms, so, I hope you GOT the point! ** SPECIAL NOTE ** By the way, becoming a REGISTERED user of AMIC PD TERM entitles you to a $20.00 discount on our MAJOR Telecommunications package for the Amiga, "GraphTerm" (temporary name, GT-2000, is perhaps the name it will get in Washington!) More later about GraphTerm, lets get used to AMIC PD TERM first! In addition to this,you will be granted access to the special AMIC PD TERM area on AMIC-2000, our BBS system, which is NOW multiuser system. The same special access is also granted to members of GEnie, where we also have a section for REGISTERED users of AMIC PD TERM! Most important! This version of AMIC PD TERM doesn't have ALL the available functions in a functional way. REGISTERED users are now receiving (or about to) FULLY FUNCTIONAL versions of the program, plus FULL documentation to the program (that's what I am working on right now! So, REGISTERED USER, IF you can make without them, the docs, that is, you can call AMIC-2000 and get the program in the REGISTERED USERS section before we mail it out to ya! If you are a registered user, but you haven't called AMIC-2000 yet,it'll take some 24 hrs to validate you for access into this section. Make SURE to leave EMAIL to the SYSOP asking for the access! Any- way, I should be mailing you the disk no later than 11/29/87 with complete documentation to the program. PS: Registration as a Founding Member to AMIC-2000 our 16 line BBS ends December 31, 1987. Try us out for three (3) free hours by connecting online to our modem tele- phone number above. At present we have over 2000 AMIGA files up and running on (8) lines. We offer real-time conferencing, message boards and more. With your help we will be able to live up to our name as the: AMIGA MAGIC INFORMATION CENTER ============================================================== THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT ***** DAVID ***** AL ***** CHRIS ============================================================== WHAT'S NEW IN THIS VERSION? o CONFIGURATION WINDOW: Allows you to configure the program from one easy to use window. Once you have changed the parameters to those you like, you can USE them instan- tly, making the program to reconfigure to the changes. NOTE: "LOAD" and "SAVE" not implemented in this version. o INSTANT WINDOW: This is a POINT & CLICK window for users of AMIC-2000! Yes, you can move from any menu on AMIC BBS to anywhere in the system by just clicking on this window! See for yourself, you will love it! NOTE: We are developing an editor that creates INSTANT WINDOW files, allowing the creating of CUSTOM instant windows for other BBS's and NETWORKS! This editor also creates CUSTOM .Script files to use with AMIC .59 and up! Create scripts by just clicking thru the interactive scripts generator! This Instant Window Generator and Scripts Gene- rator will be available to REGISTERED USERS for $20.00.. Do not send MONEY NOW, this will be out and available by December 10, 1987! (Birthday!) NOTE: SYSOPS, if you want to distribute your .Instant Window file with AMIC PD TERM give us a call! o ONLINE TIMER: Finally! Put a timer on the program! You're able to turn it On and Off anytime. Keeps track of the SYSTEM time, and ONLINE time. o NEW TRANSFER PROTOCOLS: - XMODEM 1K: Also called plain YMODEM, transfers files MUCH faster than the traditional XMODEM protocol You can use this protocol to transfer files from AMIC-2000 BBS, and most BBS's that claim support of the YMODEM protocol. - YModem-Batch (Available only to REGISTERED users) o SCRIPT LANGUAGE: Yes, AMIC PD TERM now has a fairly rich set of script commands! These are: REM Remark (for notes in the script) INTERLACE Switch from/to Interlace BORDERS Switch to NoBorders and viceversa. BELL Switch to SoundBeep or DisplayBeep. FONT Name Change to a different font. SIZE Size Set the FONTSIZE when using FONT. EDITOR Editor Set a different EDITOR EDNAME EdName Set a different Editor Filename CHARACTER chr Set a different PROMPTED Character UNARCER Name Set a different UNARCER BAUD Rate Set Baud rate DUPLEX 0=FULL Set Duplex 1=HALF WORDSET 000 Set DataBits,Parity and StopBits ^^^ || ------ 0= 1 StopBit, 1= 2 StopBits | ------- 0= NONE, 1=ODD, 2= EVEN -------- 0= 8 DataBits, 1= 7 DataBits UDIR path: Set new Uploads Directory DDIR path: Set new Downloads Directory PHONE ?.Phone Load ?.Phone Directory library KEYS ?.Keys Load ?.Keys macros Library COLOR ?.Color Load ?.Color files * RUNSCRIPT ?.Script Load and Run ?.Script file ALTSERV string Set new AltServNumber string DIALTIME n Set new DialTime variable PROTOCOL n Set transfer protocol ^ ------- 0=XModem, 1=XModem Ascii 2=WXMomde 3=XModem 1K 4=YModeam Batch (*) AUTODIAL Set/Reset Audodial mode. * SPROMPT Set/Reset Prompted ASCII Sends. BEEP Beep once * CAPTURE file Turns On/Off Capture mode. * CALL Record Dials Record# from .Phone file. * GOTO Label Goto to LABEL: * HANGUP Hangup the phone DELAY Seconds Waits n seconds * ONSTRING str cmd IF string occurs ANYTIME execute the specified commands SB Sends Break to Host SEND string Sends string out * WAIT string Waits until string is matched * FKEY FKey Sends the data stored in FKey. SPLIT Set/Reset Chat mode. * BRECEIVE path:file Downloads a file w/protocol BSEND path:file Uploads file using setted protocol * SAVE path:file Saves contest of Review Buffer EXIT [AMIC] Exits the program, if AMIC is spe- cified it will exit the program. NOTE: * means that this function is NOT available in the Freely Distributable version of the program, but it is available to REGISTERED USERS. o EDITOR ENHANCEMENTS: You can now pass a filename to the selected Editor when using the Amiga EDITOR function. o UNARC: You can set your favorite ARC programs on AMIC PD, and use it to unARC files without touching your CLI. Just select the file to UnARC from the File Requester, and let AMIC pass the arguments to yer ARC program to do the job! Any multitasking ARC program should work! o LOCK/UNLOCK THE SIDEBAR: You can now Lock your SideBar to the current status, meaning that if it is VISIBLE, it'll stay visible regardless of your mouse clicks, or it won't pop up when not wanted if you LOCK it when not VISIBLE. Just UnLock it to regain full mouse control of it. o REVIEW BUFFER: Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys of the key- board to review your I/O on the fly! You can go up and down with this keys, and close anytime with the LEFT arrow key! You can even review the buffer while down- loading files! What's about that! You can specify the size of this buffer by changing the BUFFER field in the .Config file, from 4000 Bytes to 32000 bytes. o AND MUCH MUCH MORE: Yes, and there are many new things in the program for you to find, like SEARCH/SET capability in the Phone Directory, Buffered Input in Chat Mode, TRUE Borderless windows, improved autodialing, and much much more! So, I hope to have you as a REGISTERED user of the program pretty soon, if you aren't yet! We are going to come with new updates very soon, including the long awaited Zmodem protocol, VT100 emulation, Enhanced Instant Window capabi- lities, graphics interface to GEnie's Reversi and many new additions! FOR FULL DOCUMENTATION, MORE EXAMPLE DATA FILES, AND OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION, BECOME A REGISTERED USER! THANKS A LOT! Sincerely, David Salas, Chris Larimore, A. Kirk ------------------ AMIC DEVELOPMENT ==================================================================== HARDWARE CONFIGURATION FOR AMIC PD TERM Minimum Hardware Configuration Needed: o AmigaDos 1.2 (RELEASE VERSION 33.47 or up) o 512K ram o One floppy drive (preferably two) o Modem (auto-originate/auto-answer) 1200 baud or > recommended NOTE: In order for AUTODIAL to work, your modem must have the CD (Carrier Detect) line in the OFF position, so that we can check its real status from the software. Using a 512k machine, AMIC leaves over 160k usable memory with all program functions activated! DEFAULT PROGRAM CONFIGURATION THE "AMIC.Config" FILE: AMIC PD TERM Uses parameters set in a file called AMIC.Config, located in your "S" directory, to determine default settings. MODIFYING CONFIGURATION SETTINGS PRIORITY: Set between 1 and 5. (2 is default and recommended) PLANES: Set between 1 and 3 bitplanes (4 NOT recommended) LACE: Set to 1 (ON) or 2 (OFF) to control Interlaced display BORDERS: Set to 1 for normal window, 0 for borderless FONTNAME: Name of default font desired (default=Pearl) FONTSIZE: Define font SIZE (default=8) ASCIISET: 32-127: For packet networks like Telenet and TymeNet 32-255: Use whenever possible, nice for IBM Boards! GETCOLOR: Toggles 1 (ON) or 2 (OFF) the color load variable. * 1: Allows AMIC to LOAD the defined .Color file,changing the screen colors to those defined in such file. 0: Doesn't load any color files, instead it uses the Workbench colors. Since WB has only 4 colors, AMIC PD TERM will use the POINTER colors for the upper 4 colors if using more than 2 bit planes. EDITOR: Name of Text editor to use for 'edit' function. (Default=ED) EDITFILE: Default filename to pass to Editor. (Default=CAPTURE.TXT) PROMPTCH: Character for PROMPTED ASCII Sends. (Default is '>') UNARCER: Name of 'unarc' utility to use (Suggest UNARC..) SCROLL: #lines to scroll for each press of UP or DOWN ARROW when viewing the REVIEW BUFFER. (Default=18) REVBUF: Size of Review Buffer. More than 4k not recommended for 512k machines. (Default=4K) (Suggest 2K ) BAUDRATE: Sets baud rate at program startup. 0 = 300 Baud 1 = 1200 Baud (Default) 2 = 2400 Baud 3 = 4800 Baud 4 = 9200 Baud 5 = 19200 Baud 6 = 31250 Baud (It is coming!) DATABITS: Set to 7 or 8. (Default=8) PARITY: Define the parity to NONE, EVEN or ODD. (Default=NONE) STOPBITS: Define to 1 or 2 Stop Bits. (Default=1) INIT: Define the string to send to the modem when initializing the modem at program startup Default: ATS0 = 1\r (AUTO ANSWER ON, 1 RING, Hayes) EXIT: Define the string to send to the modem when exiting the program. Default: ATS0 = 0\r (AUTO ANSWER is OFF, Hayes) PREFIX: Dial command prefix. (Default=ATDT) - for all Hayes compat. SUFFIX: String to put after dialing number. (Default=\r) (A Carriage Return) HANGUP: Hangup command. (Default=\w\w\w+++\w\w\w\wATH) (Hayes) BUSY: Prog. looks for this if line rings busy. (Default=BU)(Hayes) If encountered during AUTOREDIALING, AMIC will reset the dialtime and dial the next AUTODIAL entry. CONNECT: The string to match as the CONNECT message from the modem. If this string matches with any string send by the modem during AUTODIALING, AMIC will act as if a connection has been established, even if the Carrier Detect Signal says it is not connected. Default: CO (for CONNECT, Hayes 2400 string) ALTNUM: Define the Alternate Service Number. This number is put in fron of the number you want to dial if the ALTSRV Toggle is on in the Phone Requester. DEFAULT: *70 10288 (Call Waiting OFF, AT&T) DIALTIME: Wait time between autodial attempts. (Default=35) seconds MAXBAUD: MAXIMUM baud rate of your modem. (Default=2400) LOOKDIR: Directory where AMIC gets all lib. files. (Default=S:) DEFDIR: AMIC looks here if file not found in LOOKDIR (Default=SYS:) DOWNDIR: AMIC stores all downloads/captures here. (Default=DF0:) UPDIR: AMIC gets files to upload here. (Default=DF0:) BELLSND: Set to 1 (ON) for audible bell; 0 (OFF) for screen flash LENGTH: Length of the BeepSound. (Default=16) VOLUME: Volume of the BeepSound. (Default=64) (full volume) PERIOD: Period variable of the BeepSound. (Default=200) CYCLES: Frequency (pitch) of BeepSound. (Default=200) --------------------------------------------------------------- The following DEFAULT files MUST be in the current directory, or contained in the LOOKDIR or DEFDIR paths, or program will not work! PHONELIB: PhoneDir MUST have extension .Phone! (Default=AMIC.Phone) COLORLIB: Color Palette. MUST have ext .Color! (Default=AMIC.Color) MACROLIB: Macro File. MUST have the ext. .Keys! (Default=AMIC.Keys) SCRIPT: Script File. MUST have ext. .Script! (Default=AMIC.Script) ========================================================================== WINDOWS AND PROGRAM MENUS: (This is a BRIEF review, not a comprehensive description) ========================================================================== A. MAIN WINDOW, TITLE BAR MENU 1. TIMER OFF/ON (Toggle) Reports the system time, as well as time online. This routine is smart enough to store the time on which the last connection to a host was made, so that if you turn on the clock after establishing connection to a system, you will get the time you have been online. 2. THE AUTOCHOP SWITCH: ON - For downloading EXECUTABLE files (will turn itself off if it encounters the file extensions ".ARC" or ".ZOO") OFF - For downloading ALL OTHERS WHEN IN DOUBT? - LEAVE AUTOCHOP TURNED OFF! 3. CR's/LF's selection (SETUP MENU, SEVENTH ITEM) a) TX EOL = CR: Host is processing Output lines correctly. b) TX EOL = CR/LF: Adds Line Feed at the end of output lines c) RX EOL = CR: Input lines are coming correctly from Host. d) RX EOL = CR/LF: Adds Line Feed at the end of input lines. 4. XON/OFF selection (SETUP MENU, EIGHTH ITEM) Enables or disables the serial driver check for XON/OFF flow control characters. Default is OFF. Select TURNED OFF for baud rates of 2400 or less. Select AUTOMATIC when using baud rates greater than 2400, to prevent the loss of characters. CAUTION: When using it in AUTOMATIC mode, CTRL-S will stop the flow of data, if you are on a noisy line, this character may be received when it was not intended or expected, giving you the impression that the system just locked up. If that happe- ned, a CTRL-Q will resume the input. 5. PRINTER ON/OFF (toggle): AMIC PD TERM allows you to PRINT out the I/O data as it arrives from the host. Just select the PRINT Toggle in the SideBar. You can also do this from the PROJECT MENU, or by using its keyboard shortcut. (NOTE: Switch flow control [Xon/Xoff] to Automatic for this to work) 6. FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOLS AVAILABLE IN AMIC PD TERM .58E a) XMODEM: Refers to the original 1979 file transfer protocol etiquette introduced by Ward Christensen's 1979 MODEM2 pro- gram. (Approx 95-97% accurate) only use on PERFECT phone connections, or where no other protocols are supported. b) XMODEM/CRC: (Cyclical Redundancy Check) Between 98-99.4% accurate.. use this for transfer of most binary files. Almost all bbs's support this protocol. c) XMODEM/TEXT: This protocol is optimal to transfer TEXT or ASCII files, instead of having to use the normal XMODEM. It makes transfers a little bit faster due to the fact that only 7 bits are necessary to transfer ASCII files, against 8 for BINARY files. d) WXmodem: (Windowed Xmodem) No real savings for normal bbs telecommunications, but very efficient on those packet-switched networks that support it. May use either Checksum or CRC, as in plain xmodem. e) Xmodem-1K:(YMODEM plain) much like Xmodem/CRC but with 1024 byte data blocks, increasing the speed of file transfers. If the system to which you are connected offers Ymodem protocol, you should be able to use it by selecting Xmodem 1K as the file transfer protocol for AMIC PD TERM. f) Ymodem-Batch SEND. Allows BATCH transfers to other services that suppport this protocol. RECEIVE is NOT enabled in this version of the program, but in the REGISTERED USERS one. 7. CAPTURE BUFFER ON/OFF (Toggle): ("ON" or "OFF" is displayed in the Status window at bottom of screen) This is NOT like file transfer, as you remain in interactive mode..It is just CAPTURING the characters on the screen into a file you specify; either in AMIC.Config or at time of actual capture. If you close and open capture again with the same filename; appropriate requestors allow cancel/append/ or overwriting of the existing file. One good reason to CAPTURE the text is to review the messages posted on the host, and then edit some comments about it to upload to the system as a message at a later time. This saves lots of time and online phone fees! To upload the edited text to the host, select ASCII SEND, and use either flow control (Xon/Xoff = AUTOMATIC); OR the sliders of the "Help" window to adjust speed of transfer as needed. 8. REVIEW BUFFER: This version of AMIC PD TERM offers an automatic buffer that captures all program input/output, up to a preset buffer size. In the DEFAULT configuration of AMIC PD TERM, a 4K buffer is created, you can modify this to be as small as 2K, or as large as 32K. This review buffer can be viewed anytime you want, by hitting the UP or DOWN arrow in your keyboard. It opens a 640x200 window that displays the data stored in the buffer. If you start with the UP arrow, the data displayed corresponds to the last screen of data displayed in the MAIN window. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to move up and down thru the buffer. Each refresh should move up or down the amount of lines defined in the SCROLL field of your .Config file. Give a look at the PROJECT MENU, notice the items SAVE BUFFER and PRINT BUFFER! They do what they say.. 9. FILE REQUESTOR (Used for ALL file operations) a) Each Disk Image represents an assigned system device. Up to six can be shown, depending on your dev. assignments. To set your DRAWER: field to any of these paths, just click the desired Disk or Drawer Icon, or manually enter the name of the device; if not shown; and press . b) Filenames/sizes will appear in the requestor, and may be scrolled up and down. Selection is either by clicking on desired filename or manually typing into the FILE gadget. c) When Downloading, will prompt you if duplicate filename already exists; allowing you to cancel, overwrite, or append to the existing file..Append is recommended ONLY for text files! BELIEVE IT! d) If you DOUBLE-CLICK a filename, the file will be selected the requestor closed, and the selected operation started! Just a word of warning! e) Requestor also contains a "PARENT" gadget, for exiting quickly to the next-highest directory level! 10. INTERLACE ON/OFF (TOGGLE) .. Shortcut: (R-AMIGA I) Allows use of regular display or 640x400 (larger if in overscan mode) May also be set as default in AMIC.Config. Available in the SETUP MENU as INTERLACE 11. BORDERS ON/OFF (TOGGLE) .. Shortcut: (R-AMIGA J) Allows use of bordered or borderless main window. 12. COLOR-PALETTE REQUESTOR: .. Shortcut: (R-AMIGA L) Allows loading/creating/saving of separate "Palette" files as follows: ONE bit plane: Only first TWO colors are usable; TWO bit planes: FOUR usable colors; remainder "ghosted" out. THREE bit planes: (default) EIGHT usable colors! 13. GET FONT (Change font): .. Shortcut: (R-AMIGA K) Opens a File Requester displaying the available FONTS in your SYS:FONTS directory. Click on the one you want to use, and the requester will log into the FONT drawer itself, listing the different sizes available for this font. Click on the desired size. Provided enough memory is available, and the font SIZE is smaller than the size of the 'chat' window (if in SPLIT mode), the selected font will become your new text font. PROPORTIONAL fonts are NOT supported. Use of Blitzfonts is highly recommended! 14: QUIT (Exit Program) .. Shortcut: (R-AMIGA Q) Closes any open files and returns you to CLI or WKbench. 15. CHAT MODE ON/OFF (SPLIT WINDOW Toggle): .. Shortcut: (R-AMIGA /) Immediately SPLITS your MAIN window into TWO windows; One smaller than the other. The small one, which is located in the bottom of the screen, is the one where you will type YOUR stuff, while the bigger one displays the text sent TO you by the bbs. Excellent for use on multi-line conference bbs's such as AMIC-2000, and while in conference on GEnie. 16. CONFIGURATION: .. Shortcut: (R-AMIGA [). Allows changing of information in AMIC.Config file. (See discussion near beginning of this text file) ========================================================================== B. The SIDEBAR window: Duplicates many functions of the Title Bar Menu; but allows for much faster point-and-click selection. OPEN/CLOSE (Toggle): 1. Double click left mouse button anywhere in main window (can be enabled/disabled by using title bar "Lock" or "Unlock" function gadgets) 2. Select 'sidebar' from Title bar menu 3. Use designated "hot key" sequence ========================================================================== C. The STATUS window: (Bottom of main screen) Displays info on current BBS connected to, file transfers, etc. ========================================================================== D. "HELP" WINDOW OPEN/CLOSE (Toggle) FROM: 1) Title bar menu ("About" function under "Project" menu) 2) "Help" key 3) Designated "hot key" combination 4) (optional close): Select "Done" gadget from Help window. FUNCTIONS: a) PRINTER (OFF/ON): Printer status indicator b) CAPTURE (OFF/ON): Capture buffer status indicator c) CHIP MEM xxxK: xxx is the amount of Kilobytes of CHIP ram remaining available (Should be at least 50k) d) FAST MEM xxxK: xxx is the amount of FAST memory available. e) SLIDERS: (Send Delay, Receive Delay) Adjust these to faster (F) or slower (S). Only necessary on a few packet-switched networks, or when sending pre-edited text files. Existing setting (NO DELAY) is sufficient for most normal telecommunications purposes. ========================================================================== E. THE DIAL REQUESTER ("PHONE BOOK" WINDOW) 1. CAPACITY: Up to 2,000 entries per "phone book" file, multiple files supported and selectable. 2. OPEN/CLOSE: a. "Dial" function under "Phone" menu on title bar b. Select "Dial" gadget from SIDEBAR menu c. Use Right Amiga key plus "F" (Hot key sequence) 3. INFORMATION FORMAT FOR "PHONE BOOK" ENTRIES: ---System Name------Phone Number----Baud--Set-----Description/Com AMIC-BBS | 1-(707)-579-0523 | 1200 | F8N1 | Best Amiga BBS. ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^ | | | |||| | | | | Settings | | | | |||| >-- Comment | | | |||| | | | |||>- STOP BITS | | | ||>-- PARITY | | | |>--- DATA LENGTH | | | >---- DUPLEX | | | | | >--- Baud rate | | | >------ Phone number | >--- BBS Name, Network a) DUPLEX: Determines FULL OR HALF Duplex. 1) FULL: When on-line, the modem echoes transmitted charac- ters back to AMIC's screen. MOST Computer BBS's default to this mode. 2) HALF: When on-line, the modem does NOT echo transmitted characters back to AMIC PD TERM screen. When on-line with a remote system that echoes characters, select full-duplex; otherwise, characters will appear dou- bled on your screen. When online with a remote system that does NOT echo characters, select HALF duplex; otherwise, the characters you send will NOT appear on your screen! b) DATA LENGTH: Determines 7 or 8 bits byte size. 8-bits/word is the default, and many bbs systems DO NOT HAVE the ability to handle 7-bit wordlength. Also, 8-bit wordlength is REQUIRED for Xmodem transfers. Do NOT use c) PARITY: Selects ODD, EVEN or NO parity. Default is NO parity This is an obsolete method of checking integrity of information transferred. Use NO PARITY except if: 1) BBS uses 7-bit wordlength; use EVEN parity, or: 2) BBS REQUIRES a specific, stated parity value Allowable values for "Parity" are: N = NO Parity E = EVEN Parity O = ODD Parity d) STOP BITS: Set to 1 or 2 stop bits. (Default is 1) Always use "1", unless a particular bbs REQUIRES use of 2 stop bits. 4. PHONEBOOK WINDOW GADGETS: a. OKAY: Begin dialing sequence on selected numbers b. LOAD: Will pop-up a file requester for loading other than the default "PhoneBook" file c. EDIT: Alter, add or delete information from "PhoneBook" file. d. SAVE: Save edited "PhoneBook" file to disk e. SEARCH: Opens a String Requester where you can enter the string to match with the Phone Records. Selections that match with this string are automatically selected, allowing you to start an AUTODIAL of this selected numbers. f. SETCLR: Select/Unselect all listed Phone entries in file g. REDIAL ON/OFF (Toggle)- WHEN USED FROM "DIAL" REQUESTOR: If ON, redials selected number(s) until either connected or ABORTed. Gadget is highlighted when "on". REDIAL gadget in the SideBar: The redial GADGET in the SideBar is pretty handy since it will redial your last selected number. Two different things can happen here, and they are relative to the DIAL REQUESTER REDIAL Toggle. g1) If is Toggled, the system will automatically go back into the auto-redial loop. If you selected more than one number from the DIAL requester, and you made connec- tion to any of these selections, this autoredialing loop will dial only those selections to which you haven't made connection!!!! In other words, when autoredialing, once a connection is made, the selection is unselected auto- matically! Now, if you ABORTED the previous loop, without establishing connection, then this loop is just like a RESUME. Will start autoredialing the same selections. g2) If is not Toggled in the DIAL requester,than the REDIAL GADGET simply tries to dial the same number one more time. This is handy for dialing infrequently. h. ALTSRV ON/OFF (Toggle): When on (highlighted), dials alternate service number (MCI, SPRINT access codes) prior to selected phone number(s). i. CANCEL: Exit "PhoneBook" window without performing selected functions. j. HANGUP: This menu item is also available on both SideBar and Title Bar menus.. Shortcut: (R-AMIGA H)... Uses info from the "hangup string" in your AMIC.Config.file. 5. PHONEBOOK WINDOW; OTHER FUNCTIONS: a. CHANGE "PHONEBOOK" FILE: Click in the string gadget displaying current directory name, type in name of new directory and press b. Fast/Slow scrolling: Use either up and down arrows, or slider. c. Selection Limitations: NONE. Up to all 2000 entries may be selected. ========================================================================== REGISTER! REGISTER! REGISTER! REGISTER! EOF Excellent Chet, really like it! Thanks! I made several corrections and changes, since I would like you to release Revision E. if there is still time for that! Revision E is going to be enclosed in a message real soon now..